Bidding Prayers

Bidding Prayer suggestions

1.Dear Lord,
We pray for all of Beryl’s family, those here today and those unable to attend. Help them to find strength from You and from each other during this sad time.
Lord Hear us
Congregation Response: Lord graciously hear us

2.Dear Lord,
We thank you for the long life that Beryl enjoyed. May she be an example to all those who’s life she touched during her 98 years.
Lord hear us Response: Lord graciously hear us

3.Dear Lord,
Let us pray for Jock and Myrtle, that they and Beryl may now be reunited with the Lord for eternity.
Lord hear us Response: Lord graciously hear us

4.Dear Lord,

We pray for all those who have travelled here today to share this mass with the family. May they continue to keep Beryl in their prayers.
Lord hear us Response: Lord graciously hear us


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