Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the demise of your beloved Mum, our aunt Beryl. Guess mum lived her life just the way she wanted. Tough physically, just as she was mentally. My dad, your uncle Charles was the same.  Sure they are now united in their new abode. Will always remember mum just the way she was - tough and independent to the end.
We do have some wonderful memories of her.

Yours in sorrow,
Adrian, Lorraine and Beulah
>    >   >    >
I offer you my sincere condolences. I know what an ideal mother-figure Beryl was and all of you must have such happy memories to treasure.
I was very influenced by her even though we met rarely. I told her once that she was my role model and she laughed. But she really has been that. It was also her love and interest in our lives and our families that made her such a special person
She made it a point to stay with us when in Goa and we enjoyed her company. When I stayed with her on a visit, she told me all about Nico as a child  that she remembered and observed about him. I treasure that too. Joaq took Nico, a young school boy, to meet his wonderful girlfriend. When Nico passed away, she called me after more than ten days and even then her voice broke. She was very fond of him.
I know from our chats on the phone, how much each one of you looked after her with love and concern. She said that she did not need looking after but she was thrilled that she had such a caring family. I guess it was her independent spirit that told her it was time to go. Thank you for sharing her with all. I am with you in your sorrow, and I think we can celebrate nearly a century of her life.
Love and sympathy from me and my family
>    >   >    >
Uncle Terry let me know about the passing of my godmother Beryl.  My condolences to you and your family. I would like to send a condolence card to her family.  I believe Desmond is the name of the youngest son whom Juan and I used to play with and who visited us in Canada. (My father was his godfather.) We also played with Carol and Duncan.
Would you mind sending me his address so we can send him a card? The only address I had was Beryl's. 
Tonia (& Juan Price)
Please accept our heart felt sympathy on the demise of your Mum. Our words of sympathy will not relieve the pain that you all must be going through during this time of grief, but believe me our hearts reach out to you and the family.
We were both fortunate and privileged to have experienced the warmth, love, and generosity of your Mum when she visited India, and our home in particular. We have fond memories and vivid images of her. Her enduring nature and positive attitude towards life will remain etched in our lives for ever.
We have arranged to offer a mass for the repose of her soul, on Tuesday 29th April, in the morning. Fr. Jude Pereira has consented to say the Mass.
Eternal rest grant unto her.
Alan, Jennifer & Jeremy Pereira
>    >   >    >
I would like to send you my sincere sympathy on the passing of your dear mother, Beryl.
I knew both your parents in Mombasa.  We often met them at my first cousin, Cyril Price's house.  I was educated at the Aga Khan High School in Mombasa from 1961 to 1965 and also knew your mother in that school where she was a teacher, but she did not teach me.  However, Beryl was held in high regard by everyone in the school.
I remember your parents as being lovely, friendly, out going people.  Jock ("with a pipe in my mouth") and Beryl were always the life and soul of any party.
Cyril's family live in Canada and I am in Australia.  However, the wonderful memories of  the great life and good friends that we had in Mombasa will live for ever.
May God Bless you and your families at this time of sorrow.
Jennifer Price Pereira
>    >   >    >
So sorry to her of the sad news
I remember our band practice evenings at Wimbledon
When your Mum looked after us
Heartfelt condolences
JoJo Mascarenhas
I am delighted to hear from you and to be able to connect with you after all these years, even though I am sure you are writing with a heavy heart to advise us of the passing of your beloved mum and one of our beloved teachers who helped shape our lives.
Mehboob and I send you and your family our deepest sympathies and condelences, and pray that the soul of the departed rest in peace.
You were all so blessed to have your mum live to the ripe old age of 98 years, in good health and independent to the end. What more can one ask!  I still recall the last time we saw her and you in 1974, in Croydon at the frozen food shop in the Croydon Shopping Mall. We all remember her with fondness as she was one of the icons of our Mombasa school.
How time passes and we get busy with our lives and find it difficult to keep up with each other.
I have copied you on some of the emails that I have forwarded and asked all to inform all their contacts.
Unfortunately, I do not have contact with anyone as such, in England. However, with the emails that I have sent, I am sure a lot of Mrs Sequeira's  students will learn of her demise all over the world.

I am also copying 2 of our classmates, Shahsultan (Souli) and Gulshan, on this email so that they too can advise their families and other contacts.
With warm regards
>    >   >    >
I have just received e-mail from Shirin informing me of the sad demise of your beloved Mother and our cherished Teacher.  Please accept my heartfelt condolences and may the Almighty rest her soul in eternal peace – Amen.

Mrs. Siqueira, as we knew her, was a dear person – hardly lost her temper despite us being so naughty.  I am very happy to read that she lived a good life. 

I am still in Mombasa, and we are very few left behind eg. Gulshan (Peermohamed), Nazira (Rajan) – maybe a few in Nairobi.  Maybe if you have a photo of her with some details, it would give me great pleasure to  have it printed in our Ismaili newsletter.

I do keep in touch with Shemina and when I go to UK we do meet up – I shall be there towards the end of June for about 4 weeks so maybe we may have the occasion to meet.

With best wishes & kind regards
Shamim (nee Mullany)
Sorry to hear the sad news about your mum - Mrs Sequeira. She taught us at the Agakhan School in Mombasa.
She was a wonderful person.
May God rest her soul in peace. Amen.
There are a few friends from Mombasa that I know would like to hear from you. Their names and email addresses are as below:
Shamim Noormohamed is still in Mombasa and was in the same class as me.
Shirin Janmohamed and her husband Mehboob were also my class mates at the Agakhan school.
They live in Calgary
If I remember any other names, I will let you know.
In the meantime if there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I know it is not easy when someone in the family passes away. I lost my mother too in 2011.
You need to be strong and carry on for the children's sake. 
>    >   >    >
I am sorry to hear about your cousin Beryl Sequeira, and sorry too that I have not been able to pick up your message before now when you asked for help. I shall send the news out this evening, as soon as I have finished writing to you. It will go to classmates and various other year groups who I know will remember Mrs. Sequeira (I don't think we ever knew her name was Beryl!) Please accept my condolences. I know that she will be well remembered, good teachers like her always are. May she rest in peace.
Love to you nd Elsie
Azmeena x
>    >   >    >
Our deepest sympathies at the loss of mum - I personally have very many special memories of mum and dad and the family right from Macupa.   You all as a family will remembered in our prayers - may mum rest in eternal peace.
Carry and Jane Pinto
Sad to hear of the demise of our dear she made good inning...May Allah rest her soul in peace and give the entire family strength and courage to bear the loss.amen
I have fond memories of her..
Regards,       Shamim Manji ( her student)
>    >   >    >
Mervyn informed me he had put a notice of mum’s death in the Goan Voice and hence I got your email address.  We used to send mum annual Christmas greetings to which she used to reply apart from the last few years. We are sorry to learn of her loss but glad she is now at Peace in the Lord. I was unable to visit mum when I last visited the UK with my wife Beverley in 2006, but did speak to her on the phone.  

Please convey to all your siblings and their children  our deepest sympathies on the loss of your mum of whom I have lovely memories both in Mombasa and at Wimbledon.

I myself have been recovering from a quadruple bypass operation on 4 Feb,
We were also caring for my aged mother-in-law Sheila  at our home the last 4 years but she had to go into a permanent aged High  care nursing home in 2013, 6km from our home following a fall and hospitalization.  She is 94, mentally fine but  physically frail and confined to a bed and chair in her room the whole day.
 I assume you ad Darrell are both retired these days?

I have informed my sisters Caroline and Mary of mum’s death as they live in the London area and may be able to represent the Price family at mum’s funeral.
I had another cousin Primrose Moses from Streatham on my mum’s side who also passed away in London on 23 April- so got both news the same day.

Blessings and love to all
 Terry and Beverley   (Price)
>    >   >    >
I never imagined that I would make contact with you in such sad circumstances.
I lived just a few hundred yards on the next road from your Mum’s home at 21 Princes Road. I used to meet Daryl from time to time while he shuttled between Finland and Goa and inquired how Beryl was getting on. She had lived an active  life in East Africa and also in her earlier years in the UK. She was 4 years older than my mother. My mother died in 2007 at the age of 95 while your Mum lived on for another seven years. I mentioned to Mervyn that she outlived your dad by a grand 21 years.

My deepest sympathies to you at this time of loss of your nearest & dearest one. You’ll of course have the satisfaction of knowing that she lived a long and full life and passed away peacefully.
Hope you and your family are keeping well.

Eddie D’Sa
Please accept out our deepest sympathies on the demise of your Mum Beryl. She certainly had lived a long and fulfilled life. I  remember her as such a gracious lady, with time and patience for everyone and a good sense of humour. I am sure she will be much missed by all her family and friends. May Her Soul Rest in Peace.
Please convey our condolences to the rest of your family, especially Fleurette, Marina and Darryl.
Brij and shirley  
>    >   >    >
Our sincere condolences on the passing of your mother, may she rest in peace. We are X-Mombasa and family friends. My mum Basilia who turns 89 this year, suddenly lost touch of your mum who corresponded  with her every Christmas and often wondered of her well being. Your mum and dad visited us on their trip to Toronto, and gave me a copy of his book and cassette which I still treasure. Talented man he was. George Siqueira is my name and I
remember you and your family well. In fact Marina was in my class and coincidently we are having a 50th anniversary reunion of our class of 64. Would appreciate if you could forward me her e-mail address, to fill her in on details. All for now.

 George and Regina Siqueira
>    >   >    >
Terry passed on the sad news of Beryl's passing away.   Please convey my sympathies to her children.  We will, of course, lift everyone up in our prayers.
Cynthia    (Freed nee Price)
>    >   >    >
Please accept my condolences to you and to your whole family on the passing of 
your Mum.
This is surely an end to an era.
Anthony de Souza
>    >   >    >
Our deepest sympathy on hearing the news of your mum,,,may she R.I.P
 Rudi and Ninette
My condolences to you on the death of your mother. I think Marina was in my class and left us in standard 7 to go to Nairobi.
We are having our 50th anniversary reunion in Toronto and if she is interested, I can put her in touch with the organiser.
>    >   >    >
You will not know me and so I introduce myself as Noella's cousin.  Aunty Cissy was my Father's sister.  My parents knew yours but I do not think I have met them at any time nor met any of you.
Noella and I were in school together and both joined religious life.  I am a Daughter of the Cross, of the same Congregation as your aunt Lydia, who was also my Principal when in school. We can never forget the contribution of Sr.Lydia to our province and congregation in so many ways. The Pereiras were truly talented. I am now based at St.Joseph's Convent, Bandra.
Adrian and Lorraine just called to tell  me about your dear Mother's death in London on 24th April.  Though she was 98 and has lived her life to the full, the passing away of a Mother is always a sad happening and I know you will all miss her in your midst.  The 2 sisters and brother are now together in Heaven.  May their souls enjoy the Lord's peace  forever.
Do accept our condolences and we assure you of our prayer for her eternal rest and strength and courage for you and your brothers and sisters and your children.  I will offer  a Mass for her soul tomorrow and also inform  ALL the  sisters of our province very specially  the sisters of Catherine's Home, Andheri.
I am glad that Noella is in London and will be able to be with your  family and attend the funeral too. 

Once again I assure you of our love and prayer as you feel  the loss and separation of your dear Mother , Beryl.
Sr. Valerie Miranda f.c.
Provincial Superior
Daughters of the Cross

  = = = = = = = = = = = =
Please accept most heartfelt condolences of the bereavement of your Mom Mrs. Sequeira.
God Bless her Soul and Rest Mrs. Sequeira in Peace.  Amen!
May God give all in the family strength and courage to endure this sad loss.  Amen!

Mom was an exceptionally wonderful person and teacher. I am sure she will have lots of good company in the Heaven!  Amen!

I have copied this message to several contacts.
God Bless you and all yours. Amen!

With Prayers
 Zul Parpia
>    >   >    >
Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the sad passing away of your mother.  May she rest in peace.
Gulzar Sunderji ( nee Tarmohamed)
>    >   >    >
I am sorry for your loss.
Your mother taught me English in 1950's, and in the 60's, when I briefly taught at the Agakhan school, she was my colleague.
I have fond memories of her.
Izzat Najak (nee Mitha)
>    >   >    >
My deepest regrets . She was a great teacher. Dr. Diamond Allidina
>    >   >    >
I was a student of Beryl and remember her with fondness.  She also taught my brother Aziz at the Mombasa Aga Khan school. Beryl was responsible for nurturing my English skills and encouraged me to join the School debating society.  I note her passing on with deep sadness and heartfelt condolences to your family and yourself. It would be typical of Beryl to preserve her independence  - I am sure she lived a full life and by all accounts from your mail she did

God bless her soul and take care
Warm regards
We were all very, very fond of your mum.  I was in the class of 1962 with the group of Zainul, Zaiba and Laila as my best friends.  I did very well in English and went on to work at the Daily Nation as a journalist with your mum giving me a reference. We talk about her often.  She even taught my sister, who is four years older.
At the end of the year she had us all over at your place and I remember meeting you, your brothers and you dad.  I remember what I was wearing and I danced with your dad.  Please give our fondest love and best wishes to your family.  I can imagine her being a great grandma.
Very best wishes.
Yasmin (Kassam)
>    >   >    >
Firstly my heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of your mom ( I assume correctly ?? ) .
what a wonderful soul she was .... As far as I can go back I remember her as a stoic , smart and cheerful personality during my primary days at the agakhan Main ... Apart from teaching us the English lingo she was an epitome of success and my role model ..
Finally I pray my Allah almighty rest this wonderful spirit I'n eternal peace ..
Ameen .
Toronto /Kenya .
>    >   >    >
First of all please accept our deepest condolences; she was a wonderful person; strict but fair; we pray for her and I will have mass said for her at my local church in Los Altos California which is 45 minutes south of San Francisco near Stanford University.

It is sad that we always say good things about a person after their death and it would have been nice if I [we]  had told your mum that she did a lot of good for the kids in her class and I owe my academic success [ so do other students in her classes]  partly to her patience and her ethics; learn; learn as it will do you good. She was right and I have tried to impart the same theory to my two sons. One graduated from Georgetown University [ a Jesuit University] and my second son will graduate from University of California @ Davis [ he studied one year at Seattle University , a Jesuit University]; it is sad none of them did French in school but coincidentally I purchased a French Course from Rosetta Stone as I want to learn three languages  before I hit 70. French, Italian and Spanish. I hope your mother will watch over me.

Lastly I never knew her first name was Beryl until today. We all knew her as Mrs. Sequeira.

I have copied this email to Nick as he was her student and he will inform other students. In addition I have forwarded the sad news to Amin Mawji in Houston who maintains the Class of 65 Web Site and he will post it.

Best regards and please keep in touch
 Mohamed Poonja
Thank you for informing us of your mom’s passing away.  Deeply saddened to hear about it.  Please accept and forward my deepest condolences to your siblings.  Your sister, Fleurette, and I were classmates after the two of you moved from Star of the Sea School.  My name used to be Almas Juma (now Nuraney).

I did keep in touch with your mom for a while and after I got grandchildren and my mom passed away life just took over – but I never stopped thinking about her.  She was one of the kindest teachers that we had the privilege of knowing.  I also had a lot of respect for your Dad and I remember his book “With a Pipe in my Mouth”.

Sounds like your mom had a fairly healthy life and I am sure must have had a lot of support from her many children.  Bless you all. I sincerely pray for her soul to rest in eternal peace.  Amen.

Almas Nuraney (nee Juma)
>    >   >    >
May your mother's soul rest in eternal peace... Amen.
She was a very good soul and she is with God Insha Allah.
May God give you and your family strength and courage to bear the sad loss of your loving Mum.
Rashida and abdulmalik alibhai
Sorry to hear about the demise of your beloved mother. I knew her very well and pray for her soul. I will inform people who knew her from Mombasa. Could you please let me know the funeral arrangements thank u. Are u in London? Take care.

>    >   >    >

My deepest sympathies at the passing of your mother. You must take great comfort from the fact that she lived such a useful and productive life and guided and influenced so many young people. I took my O levels in 1962 and still remember to this day how inspiring she was and how well she prepared us for our exams.And at the end of it all she invited us home and we partied with your dad and your brothers.
 By the time I was an undergraduate at Bristol your mother was living in London. A friend and I visited her in Wimbledon and were received with great warmth I wish I had kept in touch.
Very best wishes,
Zainul Nasser ( nee Karmali)
>    >   >    >
My deepest sympathies at the passing of your mother. You must take great comfort from the fact that she lived such a useful and productive life and guided and influenced so many young people. I took my O levels in 1962 and still remember to this day how inspiring she was and how well she prepared us for our exams.And at the end of it all she invited us home and we partied with your dad and your brothers.
 By the time I was an undergraduate at Bristol your mother was living in London. A friend and I visited her in Wimbledon and were received with great warmth I wish I had kept in touch.
Very best wishes,
Zainul Nasser ( nee Karmali)
>    >   >    >
Our heart felt sympathies to you and the whole family.  Aunty Beryl was a lovely person and I enjoyed speaking to her over the phone.  She will always remain very dear to our family.  I am glad that she had a short illness before her death.
Love from Agnelo and myself,
Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of your mom.  losing a mom is never easy as it leaves a huge void in our lives and while time certainly teaches us how to cope with our loss nevertheless life is never the same.  Please convey my heartfelt condolences to your family.
my name is Anar and I am Mrs Shamshudin's daughter.  our mothers were great friends and i remember that they used to correspond for a number of years (emails were not then the in thing) - unfortunately my mom passed away in 1997 but mom was ill for about two years before she passed on during which time they had lost contact.
i remember your sisters - flora, carol, brother duncan and they were a few others but cant remember their names - please do say hello to them.  am not too sure if the names i remember are correct either.  But I do remember your dad very clearly.
Once again I am deeply sorry for your loss and pray that your mom rests in eternal peace ameen
yours sincerely
>    >   >    >
if this is the same Mrs.Sequeira I knew in Mombasa
and who lived in Ganjoni flats (top floor).  I would love to hear more about her after Mrs. S left Africa.  I had no idea she was in Wimbledon all this time until her demise.  So until then
may her soul rest in eternal peace amen.
Rahemat Fazal (her pupil from Aga Khan school Mombasa)
>    >   >    >
got yr message about mum
pray for her soul to rest
in eternal peace - she was my teacher at schoolmfir a numer if years - i live in rickmansworth , herts  nd my name is shamim jetha.
>    >   >    >
Please accept my condolence, I am from the Goan High School  -   Mario Cordeiro
I am so very sad to hear that your mum and my favourite teacher has passed away and that she lived in London all these years.  Both my older sisters were also taught by her and all of us plus my dad all respected her greatly.  We student were extremely fond of her.  She never showed favouritism although secretly she may liked some better than others.  Mrs Sequeira was not only a fantastic teacher but treated us all, good and bad, clever and not so clever, rich and poor with equality and fairness.  I believe all in our class thought so.  I am in touch with a few ex students and will pass this sad news on to them.
Several times over the years I have asked people I know if they had any news of her and her address if she was in London.
Unfortunately I have now found out through your email that she had been here all along.  It is too late now.
May her soul rest in eternal peace.  My thoughts are with your whole family at this sad time.
Has the funeral already taken place?  If not, let me know where it is and if I can attend.  Or let me know the address of the cemetery  and burial place if the funeral has already taken place so that I can go and pay my last respects.
I will always cherish her memories and always think of her with enormous affection.
Has someone published this sad news in a news  forum for Ismailis - at least in the UK?
I see that you have already written to someone who lives in Canada so that country will be covered by him.
I also have family in Kenya and I will ask my cousin to publish the news about Mrs Sequeira in teh Kenyan Ismaili news forum.
Hope to hear from you soon.  Do let me know about your father too as I had heard that he passed on some years back.
Take care and all best
Naila Durrani (nee Naila Kassam and later at Uni Naila Husein).
>    >   >    >
I have just heard from a friend regarding the passing away of your your beloved mother, Beryl Sequeira.
She taught me when I was at the Aga Khan School in Mombasa. I left in 1957 and I have very happy memories of her as a dedicated teacher with great personality.
 I am so glad to know that she lived independently.

Please accept my heartfelt condolence at loosing your beloved Mother. I pray that her soul rests in eternal peace and that you will always treasure her happy memories.

 Kind regards
My name is Tazim Nathoo (nee Rahim) and your mother taught me English at the Agakhan school- 1956-1958).
I have many fond memories of your mum and in fact my husband and I went to visit her in Wimbledon in late 60’s early 70’s.
She was a remarkable lady and it is wonderful that she lived independently for so long. We must all be very proud her and emulate her in her determination to be self sufficient.
May God rest her soul in eternal peace and give the family members strength to bear the loss (amen).
All good wishes,
Take care,
>    >   >    >
My name is Zelia Pereira and I live in Portugal.
My late husband Joe Pereira was your father's colleague in Mombasa.  Your parents and Joe remained good friends  and he made it a point to visit them whenever he was in London.  
Your mum and I kept in touch all these years and we always exchanged Christmas cards with news of our respective families.
I was so sorry to read in the 'Goan Voice' and to hear from Tazim that your mother had passed away.  She was a great lady, who walked this world with grace and dignity and who touched the lives of all who were privileged to have known her.
My heartfelt sympathy and thoughts are with you and the rest of the family,  Please convey my condolences to them.
Your mum is in my prayers  ' To live on in the hearts of those who love her is not to die -  Life is eternal,  Love is immortal'
May God's love comfort you.
>    >   >    >
Your mum was my English and French teacher.  Not only was your mum a wonderful teacher but a wonderful person as well.   Her face comes to my mind as I write this.  It is because of teachers like your mum that I still have good memories of my school days.  I have been in Vancouver, Canada for 40 years but the memories of back home still linger on fondly.   Please accept my condolences.   May your mum rest in peace. 

Kind regards,
Dilshad Rajan
I have received the sad news of your Mothers passing on and as an old student of hers in Mombasa I would like to send you my sincere condolences on your loss and to say that I pray that her soul rests in eternal peace, amen!

Strangely enough I was thinking of her in this last week of April! Perhaps the ties between students and a dedicated, caring teacher like your mother go deeper than normally appreciated.

May you have a lot of strength and happiness from the knowledge that she was a truly great teacher who contributed to the lives of many many students.

Warm wishes,
 Rashida Noormohamed-Hunzai
>    >   >    >
How very kind of you to extend details of Mrs. Beryl Sequeira to us.  
Unfortunately, we will not be able to attend due to a prior appointment on that day.
May her soul rest in peace. Our condolences to the family.
God Bless you.
Love Myra & Donald   (Alphonso)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the demise of your beloved Mum, our aunt Beryl. Guess mum lived her life just the way she wanted. Tough physically, just as she was mentally. My dad, your uncle Charles was the same.  Sure they are now united in their new abode. Will always remember mum just the way she was - tough and independent to the end.
We do have some wonderful memories of her.

Yours in sorrow,
Adrian, Lorraine and Beulah
>    >   >    >
I offer you my sincere condolences. I know what an ideal mother-figure Beryl was and all of you must have such happy memories to treasure.
I was very influenced by her even though we met rarely. I told her once that she was my role model and she laughed. But she really has been that. It was also her love and interest in our lives and our families that made her such a special person
She made it a point to stay with us when in Goa and we enjoyed her company. When I stayed with her on a visit, she told me all about Nico as a child  that she remembered and observed about him. I treasure that too. Joaq took Nico, a young school boy, to meet his wonderful girlfriend. When Nico passed away, she called me after more than ten days and even then her voice broke. She was very fond of him.
I know from our chats on the phone, how much each one of you looked after her with love and concern. She said that she did not need looking after but she was thrilled that she had such a caring family. I guess it was her independent spirit that told her it was time to go. Thank you for sharing her with all. I am with you in your sorrow, and I think we can celebrate nearly a century of her life.
Love and sympathy from me and my family
>    >   >    >
Uncle Terry let me know about the passing of my godmother Beryl.  My condolences to you and your family. I would like to send a condolence card to her family.  I believe Desmond is the name of the youngest son whom Juan and I used to play with and who visited us in Canada. (My father was his godfather.) We also played with Carol and Duncan.
Would you mind sending me his address so we can send him a card? The only address I had was Beryl's. 
Tonia (& Juan Price)